Disclaimer | South Wake Raleigh Moms

Hey there South Wake Raleigh Moms readers!

Many of the links to products or services on this site are affiliate links, which means that we could earn a commission for any purchases that you make if you click through and purchase.  On occasion, we are compensated to give our honest opinions on products and/or services too. This doesn’t cost you anything, but we wanted you to be aware.
Everything mentioned on this site are products or services that we at The Local Moms Network believe in – we mention them because we think they will help you.  We only mention products or services that we think provide value directly back to you.  The Local Moms Network, and by extension, South Wake Raleigh Moms, is a for-profit business.  This means we earn an income with this website.
To make it easier for all involved, you should assume that any links published on this site are affiliate links and that we will receive commission from your purchase.  We make every effort to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.
Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

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