Jan 23, 2018 | Around Town
Essential Oils are an amazing resource during the winter months! Oils are able to oxygenize your blood and reach every system in your body within five minutes. They work fast and are a natural way to support your body and protect your health.
Here are some recommended oils for the winter season:
Meet Ashley Blake – a mom of three and wellness enthusiast. She started using essential oils when her oldest daughter had a ton of issues with allergies. She now uses oils across the board in her home and has seen the health of her family change drastically. Now running her own business, she focuses on teaching wellness workshops and different online events to the local community. Visit her to start reaping some of the amazing benefits of essential oils!
4 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School!
School’s finally out for summer, but for parents, it’s just about time to start thinking ahead to Back to School! Making a game plan now for August and September, including ordering some key supplies including Name Bubbles.
Fundraise with Shoott!
Learn how to fundraise with Shoott!
Kirsten Pierce: The Beauty Mechanics
Kirsten Pierce, certified registered nurse anesthetist, mother to two amazing children, wife of an incredible husband and dog-mom of two fur babies, a Great Dane named Finnegan and a Lab mix named Layla. Besides her role of ‘super mom,’ Kirsten has now added the...