Jul 28, 2020 | Meet A Mom
Meet Raleigh mom Courtney Bowman, founder of Raleigh Cheesy, a cheese and charcuterie board business that adds the perfect addition to any event. Having sampled many of Courtney’s cheese boards, I can personally attest to their deliciousness. Courtney just launched a kickstarter for Raleigh Cheesy as they hope to open a storefront very soon! Please consider donating and supporting this great local business.
I grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, and then moved to Texas to go to college. After college, I moved to Raleigh in 2013 and have been here ever since.
I have one daughter who just turned 3.
If I make a charcuterie board for myself, I never include nuts or olives. I absolutely hate them. It’s a complete texture thing for me.
My husband! Hellloooo. I’m extremely grateful for him. He is the best partner and the best dad out there. We definitely treat parenthood as an equally shared load. He is the number one supporter of my dreams and I have always felt like we share the responsibilities of parenting our daughter equally, which I love. Stereotypically, we often see parenting primarily placed on the mom’s shoulders. But we have always decided from day one that we would co-parent in everything. Our company would not exist without him.
Take her swimming. My child is a land mermaid, I’m convinced. She adores the water. Or taking her anywhere new. She is extremely expressive so anytime we see anything new or go anywhere new, she always is so excited.
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