Meet Raleigh Mom Stephanie Llorente | South Wake Raleigh Moms

Nov 23, 2020 | Around Town


Happy Monday! We are bringing you another mompreneur in the local Raleigh area this week. Meet Raleigh Mom Stephanie Llorente, founder of Restored, a faith-based organization for working moms to connect outside of work. If you haven’t attended a Restored event, you’re missing out! Check out their upcoming events and be sure to follow along with them. Check out our interview with Stephanie below!

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in town?

I live with my family in Holly Springs, but every time I meet someone from out of state and tell them I’m a North Carolina native (from Clayton), they look at me like – and sometimes tell me that – I’m the unicorn they’ve been searching for. Our state is growing, and we’re proud to be part of it! I claim it’s the BBQ and sweet tea that keep me here. 

Children and Ages?

I have a second-grade boy and a daughter who just entered kindergarten.  They keep me on my toes!

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…

Just one?? I hate hand-washing dishes, I’m a professional writer who’s terrible at Scrabble, and I would sacrifice my left arm for a good nap. But, probably the most surprising thing about me is that I’m pretty fluent in Spanish. It’s always funny when I bust it out at random to chat with people or respond to a conversation in pubic because nobody expects it from a blonde-haired, blue-eyed mom!


Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?

YES! I have a laundry list of family and friends who have provided incredible support throughout my parenting journey, but my husband and parents top the list. Despite my many significant downfalls, I married well above my station and thank God for someone who supports, challenges and protects me at all times. I’m also thankful for my parents and mother-in-law. Not only are they on-call babysitters that never charge a dime, but they also field my, “How do I…” and “What should I do if…” mom questions at all hours of the day. Finally, I have to mention my church family and friends because they continue to help shape my perspective on parenting and how I prioritize relationships with my husband, kids, faith and work. 

Favorite things to do with your kids?

We love playing board games, going to parks, sporting events and museums, but visiting Lake Gaston together is our absolute favorite. Whether we’re riding a boat, fishing from a dock, roasting marshmallows over a fire, or floating in the water, it’s a restful place we all enjoy. And, the best part is that the kids are always exhausted at the end of the day!

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world?


I sure am – on two fronts. After working in agency and corporate settings for more than 10 years, I started my own public relations consultancy called Prep Communications five years ago. I get to work with all types of businesses to help them manage their reputation and share messages with audiences that matter to them.  

I also lead a community of working moms called Restored where I get to engage and connect like-minded women to meaningful, faith-based community. For moms who work, plugging into a community that shares your faith is difficult because most faith-based programs are offered during the workday. Restored offers working moms from across the Triangle an accessible community where they can feel seen, resourced and encouraged as they live out their multi-pronged roles as wives, moms and workers. Whether attending a virtual Bible study or showing up to an in-person speaker event, we want moms to leave feeling Restored!

What does this community mean to you/How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

Community is a change agent. COVID has shown us the ugly side of living in isolation, which has made Restored’s value even more apparent. Thriving within meaningful community is at the core of who I am and why Restored exists. I believe we were designed to engage with and pour into one another. Whether it’s discussing childcare solutions, exchanging nursing tips, or finding an exercise partner, we all benefit when women find a community that works for them. I absolutely love what Restored has become to so many working moms and feel incredibly blessed to be at the helm of something so impactful.

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