Apr 19, 2021 | Around Town As a parent, we’ve all had questions at some point about dental cleanings for our kids. When should we make their first appointment, how often should I be brushing their teeth at home. Well, Lane & Associates Family Dentistry has...
We’re about to head into the holiday season, and if you’re like us, that usually means diving into some delicious and decadent food, from frosted cookies to festive cocktails. Now, 2020 can use all the help it can get, so we’re not suggesting you...
Feb 1, 2019 | Recipes Is anyone else obsessed with the acaí trend these days? Acaí (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is not only yummy, it’s good for you too. The acaí berry is a superfood that hails from the South American rainforest. It is full of antioxidants,...